HMH Presents: An Interview With Blackmass Of Rotting Flesh

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Rotting Flesh is an underground atmospheric black/death metal band from Thessaloniki, Greece. The band formed in the early 90’s and have released multiple demos and two full length albums. I just recently found about this band via twitter, and decided to give them a listen and was far from disappointed. I have the honor of interviewing Blackmass, so without further ado, here’s Rotting Flesh in their own words:

Hello how’s it going?

Greetings! Very well indeed.

So tell me how you guys got started.

The band was formed back in 1992. Being an enthusiastic black and death metal fan myself, I wanted to do something of my own and decided to form Rotting Flesh.

How did you come up with the band’s name?

When the band was formed, we all gathered and had a discussion about how this endeavor of ours would be called. We came up with “Rotting Flesh”. Nothing special to add here, sorry to disappoint you!

What was recording your first demo like?

Things were different back then. It was a very underground production, but still, it is an important part of our history.

Who’s the writer, or does every one participate?

The music is mainly composed by me (Blackmass) and Argh writes the lyrics. Usually, though, everyone adds their personal style to the songs and contributes with their ideas.

Where was your first gig?

Our first gig was in Thessaloniki, in a local club, in 1993. I remember we were very excited about it!

Rotting Christ, Nightfall, Septicflesh etc. are some of Greece’s popular bands. How is the metal scene over there?

The metal scene in our country has offered much to the metal world all these years. There are many praiseworthy bands, more widely-known and underground bands as well. I believe we do not lack anything in this field, in comparison to other countries!

When most people think of black/death metal they think of Norway and Sweden. Is black metal very big in Greece? How did you all become a part of that scene? 

Black metal has deep roots here in Greece. It is powerful and extreme, just the way the bands and fans want it. The countries you have mentioned have, undoubtedly, a long tradition in this kind of music lifestyle, but so does Greece, as well!

Who are some of your inspirations and favorite bands?

That’s something for you to find out! Ha ha. What do you think?

The music industry is one of the most controversial businesses right now, what’s your opinion of it?

Good question. The music industry… It’s all about taking advantage of the musicians to gain as much money as possible, the way we see it. In some peoples’ minds it’s not about the music any more. It is just business and that’s disgusting.

How do you feel about digital and mp3 music? Do you feel it hurts the artists? I personally prefer physical copies of music over digital downloading.

I think that digital music has helped musicians to gain more recognition and reach to a wider audience. This is very important and it is easier now to reach out to new fans. Buying the actual product though is what helps the artist to continue doing what he does.

So what are the band’s plans as of now?

We have finished recording our new album, “Infected Purity”. We are currently looking for the right label home and aspire to have the album released as soon as possible. I can tell you that we are very excited with the final result and it is worth the wait!

Where can fans buy your merch?

For the time being, our merch is not widely available, unfortunately. Anyone that is interested can contact the band, though! We will soon have our merch available for online orders on a wider scale.

Are you heading over this way (U.S) anytime soon?

Hopefully we can arrange something, after the release of the new album. Who knows? If you want us, you have to claim us! Haha!

How is the underground scene vs. what’s big? Is there a difference in the fans?

The underground scene becomes stronger and more prestigious over the years. People start to dig and recognize underground bands. As for the mainstream scene, we all know how things are like, don’t we?

What do you think about the term “selling out?” is there even such a thing? I personally find it annoying as hell. Lol

Selling out? This is an unknown phrase in the Rotting Flesh dictionary! Nothing to say about that. We don’t like to judge others. What is important to us is that we be true to what we do.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you very much for this interview! Hails, Chile! One day we’ll come over there to spread our darkness. And something more… Rot with us!

For More Info, Here's the band's official bio & Discography:

With a history of more than two decades in the underground metal scene and having tread difficult and challenging paths along the way, Rotting Flesh are back with a new album and a fresh lineup, raising their standards ever higher. Since 1993, the year of their inception, the band has produced 6 demos and 2 official albums, thus establishing their own dark and distinctive sound. Their combination of death and black metal is exceptionally refined, integrating elements of the wider "extreme" metal genres. The haunting melodies of the keys dexterously blend in with the harsh guitars and powerful vocals, forming an atmospheric, captivating and, most importantly, unique sound. Having done countless shows in Greece, as well as Bulgaria and Romania, either as headliners or supporting big names (Marduk, The Haunted, Entombed, Impaled Nazarene), the band is ready to explore new horizons and reach to a wider audience. As of 2014, the band has recorded its third full length album, "Infected Purity", consisting of 12 brand new songs, due to be released this year. 

1993: Necromancer (demo)
1994: Underground Conspiracy (demo)
1995: Temple of Rage (demo)
1996: Realms Beyond Heaven (demo)
1998: Follow the End (demo)
2000: Death Will Come (demo)
2003: Dreaming the Underworld (1st official album with Sleaszy Rider Records)
2004: Rotten live Rehearsal
2009: 6 Enigma (2nd official album, self-released)
"Rot With Us":

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