
Showing posts from 2019

Top Albums of 2018

Yeah, I'm late to the party I know. However, I thought this would be a great way to hop back into this blog. so without further ado, here are my picks for the best albums of 2018. (Some of these picks aren't metal albums, but they are definitely worth listening to.) 10. Diemonds - Diemonds     Personal Picks: Our Song, I Miss, I See Red   9. Princess Nokia - A Girl Cried Red     Personal Picks: Flowers and Rope, Morphine, Your Eyes Are Bleeding 8. Outloud - VHS     Personal Picks: I Am The One, And I Tried, Fools Train   7. Gus G. - Fearless     Personal Picks: Money For Nothing, Fearless, Letting go   6. Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer     Personal Picks: Screwed, Make Me Feel, Americans   5. Lenny Kravitz - Raise Vibration     Personal Picks: Low, Johnny Cash, Who Really Are The Monsters   4.  The Struts - Young & Dangerous